Couple #1: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter seriesIt certainly seemed like they would never get together, mostly because it took Jo Rowling 6 hefty novels and then another 625 pages just to get them to kiss. Good grief! Anyways, they are the resident odd couple, opposites that really do attract. Ron is the jokester, the easy-going guy's guy who's easy to love because of his charm and boyish qualities. Hermione is the bookish type, compassionate and head strong. So why would these two go together? I always liked them together from the beginning (well, ok, from The Goblet of Fire on) but I never understood why they were so good for one another, and then it struck me. Hermione sees Ron as the boy who makes her laugh, who gets her to calm down, and, who intrigues her. He is surprising. I think Ron loves Hermione because she loves him the way he is, and wouldn't change him, and she keeps him on his toes, something that Ron thrives on.
There's always debate on whether or not she should have ended up with Harry. But like any Potter freak, I fully support Rowling's matches. People who say Harry really likes Hermione clearly didn't notice all the comparisons Harry made of Hermione and Mrs. Weasley. Do you really think Harry would want to marry someone that reminded him of Ron's mother? I'd hope not! Ron, however, might.
Couple #2: Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
This is a total given. Most women I think would list this couple as one of their favorites because they are so universally loved! They forced each other to see the flaws in one another, but also forced out the good, loving, and kind qualities in one another as well. They have been romanticized in movies (see Bridget Jones or the many P&P adaptations), but the book is the most sincere, most honest and most romantic depiction of the couple. You just get the sense that by the end of the book, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth just get one another. And the amount of respect he shows her (he proposed twice! that takes guts and respect!) is warming, especially when you consider the time period in which in was written. Elizabeth stuck to her guns, she married her equal, and all for love. Sigh.
Couple #3: Allie and Noah from The Notebook
I am not a fan of Nicholas Sparks novels (can you say formulaic?), but I really did enjoy The Notebook and I'll tell you why and then you will think I'm crazy. The reason, to me, is because the ending didn't want to make me dress in all black and listen to Elliot Smith on repeat. Now, I chose them from the book because I liked the book more than I liked the movie and I honestly think it's Sparks' best book. It reflects the time in reference to the setting, yet reflects on how love in timeless. Plus, the book did not contain the horrid line "If I'm a bird, you're a bird."
Couple #4: Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games trilogy
One book to go, but I've already decided I like Katniss and Peeta together. This trilogy, written for young adults, it thought provoking and exhilerating to read. I just love Katniss, though she really annoys me sometimes. She's a strong, independent woman who faces hardships that I could never endure. She is also very moody and confusing, but not in an annoying Bella Swan kind of way, but in a real way. Suzanne Collins, the author, does a good job of leaving the reader in suspense because you really don't know who Katniss will pick. She could pick anyone! I personally think Peeta suits her. Peeta appreciates everything about her, loves her unconditionally, and he is passionate and artistic. What's not to like there? Katniss is blown away by two kisses in these two books, and both are shared with Peeta. Who wins her heart, Peeta or Gale? We shall see...
The Couple that I Completely Loathe: Bella and Edward from the Twilight series
Ugh. Gag me. Literally.
I find this relationship to be one of the most shallow and unhealthy relationships ever in print...and its the basis for this entire Twilight phenomenon! I don't get it! Bella's entire life is consumed by Edward. I've only read the first book, but from what I understand the second book is all about her complete devestation when he leaves her. In the first though he's creepy in multiple ways and he glitters in the sunlight. It's literally sickening to read.
When I'm reading a book, I like to measure my leading men on the standard that if I were in Hermione/Elizabeth/Allie/Katniss' place I would like their respective men, and I would. I would not like Edward though. He is obnoxious, creepy, shallow and overwhelmingly cheesey. I sometimes wonder what teenage girls are really thinking when they read this. Do they really want Bella to end up with Edward? Do they themselves want to be with Edward? If they do, I'm scared because Edward represents all that women do wrong in relationships, and in life sometimes. He's also incredibly fictional and he represents idealized hopes for women everywhere, and these Twilight obsessed girls are only going to grow up and be severely disappointed.
Plus, the one boy who has potential for giving her a healthy relationship is completely screwed over until the final book, and even then he's getting the short end of the stick! Poor werewolf.
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