October 26, 2009
My beef with the Cincinnati Public Libraries (or maybe all libraries in general)

October 23, 2009
quoteable kids #2
October 22, 2009
Panera and fingers stuck in doors for Jonas

I don't know about you, but I sure do hate reading REALLY boring essays by students. So, I decided to get a little more creative here. After we finished reading "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, I assigned the 8th graders an essay that had them pick three memories they would give Jonas. In the book, (for those losers who haven't read it) Jonas is selected to be the new Receiver of Memories for his community and the Giver gives him memories that are unknown by the members of his community, things such as sledding, Christmas, love, physical pain, emotional distress, war, etc. Some of their choices are hilarious, some endearing, and some even kind of profound.
Good memories
color, feelings of excitement and joy, Panera, celebrating a birthday, Thanksgiving, ice skating, Christmas
Bad memories
bleeding from getting your hand slammed in a door, being alone, being invisible, losing a family member, war, losing someone you love
If I personally had to chose at least one good and one bad memory for Jonas, I would give him the memory of true friendship and September 11, 2001.
I like these choices because while some are trivial (Panera), others speak volumes, such as losing someone you love or even the memory of Christmas.
It's the little things like this that make me like being a teacher that much more.
October 11, 2009
my life according to the Beatles

Male or Female: She's a Woman
Describe yourself: Paperback Writer
How do you feel: I Feel Fine
Describe where you currently live: Yellow Submarine
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Across the Universe
Your favorite form of transportation: Drive My Car
Your best friend is: Eleanor Rigby
What's the weather like: Here Comes the Sun
Favorite time of day: A Hard Day's Night
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Everbody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
What is life to you: Something
Your fear: Don't Pass Me By
What is the best advice you have to give: All You Need Is Love
Thought for the Day: Come Together
How I would like to die: When I'm Sixty-four
My soul's present condition: It's All Too Much
My motto: Let It Be
October 9, 2009
Four couples from books that I love, and one that I despise

It certainly seemed like they would never get together, mostly because it took Jo Rowling 6 hefty novels and then another 625 pages just to get them to kiss. Good grief! Anyways, they are the resident odd couple, opposites that really do attract. Ron is the jokester, the easy-going guy's guy who's easy to love because of his charm and boyish qualities. Hermione is the bookish type, compassionate and head strong. So why would these two go together? I always liked them together from the beginning (well, ok, from The Goblet of Fire on) but I never understood why they were so good for one another, and then it struck me. Hermione sees Ron as the boy who makes her laugh, who gets her to calm down, and, who intrigues her. He is surprising. I think Ron loves Hermione because she loves him the way he is, and wouldn't change him, and she keeps him on his toes, something that Ron thrives on.
There's always debate on whether or not she should have ended up with Harry. But like any Potter freak, I fully support Rowling's matches. People who say Harry really likes Hermione clearly didn't notice all the comparisons Harry made of Hermione and Mrs. Weasley. Do you really think Harry would want to marry someone that reminded him of Ron's mother? I'd hope not! Ron, however, might.
Ugh. Gag me. Literally.
October 6, 2009
Growing like a fungus
October 1, 2009
Secret Shame #1: Hugh Grant

I have no idea why I love this man so much and why I continually pay to see his shitty movies in the theaters (I also own some of these shitty movies). I think its partly because he is British and partly because he has this sort of effortless, bumbling, but sexy charm to him that holds my attention. He continuously threatens to retire, but thankfully, he's still around to make me smile.
things to do
Looking at this blog right now makes my eyes hurt. I wish I had time tonight to explore some of the things that will make it less lame and more Emily-esque. Once the design is taken care of, all I will have to worry about is providing content that is interesting enough.
The past two days at school were kind of rough as far as discipline goes. I had to hand out a detention to a kid I really like and then I had to discipline another kid who I just feel bad for. He is one of those kids that is his own worst enemy.
I must say though, teaching at this school has introduced me to a whole cast of silly characters. One of my 7th graders, Evan, is obsessed with Brad Pitt and references either him or his movies a lot. I've got another 7th grade girl who is the biggest germophobe I have ever seen. One of my 5th graders, when I asked them what they are enthusiastic about (enthusiastic was a vocab word) he simply replied "Nazi zombies."
Here are some other pretty priceless quotes from some of my students:
"Some people in the town liked Abraham Lincoln because he made hard decisions during a difficult time. Other people just thought he was a putz." -Matt, Grade 8, from his essay on Abraham Lincoln in "Across Five Aprils"
While learning a new vocab word ornery. "No offense Joseph, but you can be really ornery sometimes." -Stephen, Grade 5
While talking about orphans:
Mitch: "Please sir, I want some more!"
Me: Good Mitch, do you know which famous orphan said that?
Mitch: Wishbone
"Look at him. You can tell he is irritated. Just watch the puff. "-Mitch, in response to me telling him, "Mitch, I think you are really irritating Joseph."
"Can we please just read this? My clothes are goin out of style." -Mitch, again
"Lil Wayne never tells you to stay gold the way Johnny does." -Jeff, grade 7 when talking about Johnny in 'The Outsiders'
I'm sure there are more, these are just the really classic ones