
March 18, 2011

Top Five Best Episodes of 'Friends' (in my humble opinon)

5. The One With Phoebe's Wedding

First of all, Phoebe looked absolutely beautiful in her wedding dress. I loved how it looked in the snow, how she just radiated next to Mike, and how all the friends were involved in the wedding. Mike himself was a good addition to the cast and fit in well with the six friends though he never tried to take away from the show being about the six of them.

The first season of Friends is interesting to watch because it's so 90s and sometimes the humor is a little off. I love it when the Friends pair off by gender and this one is the best because both the ladies and the guys are funny in their own way.

This is probably one of the classic Friends episodes purely because of the game of who knows who better. There were jokes about jokes in those segments, my favorite of course being who the TV Guide is addressed to (that's Ms. Chanandler Bong) and Joey's imaginary friend who was a Space Cowboy. On the flip side, we had a more serious story line with Phoebe getting artificially inseminated, but it still had the old Phoebe charm and made the line "my sister is gonna have my babies!" possible.

Guest stars on Friends are hit or miss, but this guest spot by Brad Pitt was definitely a hit. He was hilarious and totally hot as Will, a friend from high school who also used to be fat. Thanksgiving episodes are a great Friends tradition and they rarely let you down. This one exceeded expectations.

This is probably my favorite episode of Friends because it's hysterically funny, and very sweet at the end. It never fails to make me laugh. I love Chandler and Monica together, and the fact that they hid it from people was pure comedy. The great 'they don't know that we know' line is from this episode, as well as the end of an era, as Ross gets Ugly Naked Guy's apartment.

Honorable Mention: TOW the Holiday Armadillo, TOW Chandler Can't Cry, TOW All The Thanksgivings

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