
June 24, 2010

5 Pet Peeves

We all have them, but I used to think I was an exception. I used to think I was so easy going and that little things would never start to bother me. Well, I must be getting old(er) or something because my list of pet peeves only seems to grow. Below are five little things that drive me crazy.

1. People who mispronounce 'Xavier'

Alright everyone, here's the little trick I tell people who pronounce my alma mater "ex-ay-vier." It's like the X in xylophone and Xena: Warrior Princess. "Zay-vier." Not difficult, right? Well, for some reason it still seems to be that way since NBA baseketball commissioners, ESPN broadcasters, and people I'm related to still can't say it correctly.

2. One word text messages.

I hate hate hate it when someone texts me and all it says is 'k' or 'o'. That means nothing to me. It's just letters of the alphabet! And you just wasted one of my valuable texts.

3. Group numbers on American Idol

No one looks or sounds good when they do these. The songs are cheesey, the choreography is cheesey, and it's literally painful for everyone involved. Yet they keep happening. MAKE IT STOP KEN WARWICK.

4. People who root for teams from countries that they were in for a brief period of time over the country of their residency and/or birthright during world-wide sporting events

I understand if you were born in another country and then immigrated here, or if you lived most of your life in a certain part of the world, but just because you were there for two weeks on a college study abroad trip gives you no reason to root for Germany, Ghana, or anyone else, over the U.S. in the World Cup. You don't do it because you love Germany either, you do it just so you can be counter-culture or won't be preceived as being too nationalistic. The worst offense though is when people root for other countries over the U.S. because they are tired of the U.S. being good at everything. It just makes you sound like snob.

Also, if you like that country more than the one you live in, then why are you even here? I don't mind if you leave, frees up the job market for people like me!

5. People who use the wrong you're/your or their/there/they're
This was my biggest pet peeve as a teacher, but I worked with them on it. Afterall, they're only about 11-13 years old and the English language is friggin hard. I understand. But when you're a high school or college educated person and you use the wrong your/you're it just makes you look ignorant.

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